Category: New publications
The ENP-China project is pleased to announce the upcoming publication of the first book resulting from the ENP-China team’s work and the meetings and discussions that we organized with a group of international “like-minded”...
When it comes to the historiography of Shanghai or China, produced by Chinese or foreign scholars, or the state of translated works in Chinese by foreign scholars or foreign writers in general (mostly for...
My colleague and friend, Prof. Ma Jun (马军), besides being an amazingly productive historian is also one of the most astute compilers and editors of foreign works translated into Chinese (see his 全面抗战时期中国文化界译介日本”中国研究”文献目录简编 [2016]...
My former student Jiang Jie (蒋杰) at Shanghai Normal University just put out another exciting and rich collection of essays in the last issue of 上海法租界史研究, a journal that he created in 2016 and...
The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press are about to release the Chinese edition — 镰刀与城市. 以上海为例的死亡社会史研究 — of Scythe and the city (Stanford University Press, 2016). The arduous work of translation was done...
The population of Shanghai (1865-1953) will soon be available at Brill. After three rounds of proof editing and correcting — Brill is very thorough in its editorial process — the manuscript is now in...
In the recent weeks, the users of the Virtual Shanghai platform may have noticed a substantial upsurge of the Data section. This section is meant to provide historical statistical data in the form of...
Entreprises et Histoire, a French academic journal devoted to business and economic history, features in its last issue a review of Cécile Armand’s doctoral dissertation “‘Placing the History of Advertising’. A spatial history of...
In this post, I intend to introduce briefly a spate of new works produced under the energetic guidance of Prof. Ma Jun at the Institute of History (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences). Ma Jun...
This has been a project in the making for many years. It started out of a short foray into the archives to write a paper about the “suffering body”, those of the combatants in...